Years Active | Description | Project Lead |
2024-2025 | Science Teaching in Early Childhood Deaf Education Chapter in edited book regarding strategies and philosophies of early childhood Deaf education. Chapter specifically focuses on science instruction. Co-authored with Chris Kurz (RIT). | Patrick Graham (RIT) & Raschelle Neild (Gallaudet) |
2022-2024 | Barriers to Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement On behalf of the CEASD Recruitment & Retention group for the CEASD Strategic Plan, engaged in survey design, disbursement, and analysis of qualitative data from Deaf School/Program leaders and teachers regarding questions of barriers faced in teacher recruitment/retention and for advancement within the field to administrative positions. | CEASD |
2023-2024 | “Avoiding Unintended Consequences: Science of Reading Policies Potentially Harm Deaf Children” A research-backed discussion of the fallacy of the Science of Reading’s assumptions that (1) all skilled reading requires a phonological route and (2) all children benefit from instruction in phonological awareness and phonics. The article discusses the various ways that Deaf readers access English print and the potential harm of instruction based solely on the two assumptions. | Naomi Caselli, Boston University |
2024 | Picture-Based One-Sign Vocabulary Test Development of an ASL-driven one-word picture vocabulary test to use as part of the assessment of a student’s language. Frustrated by the non-ASL nature and subjectivity of the non-Deaf-normed EOWPVT, PPVT, PVT, etc., assessments, began development of an Deaf picture vocabulary test that was based on ASL signs and word lists deemed most frequent and vital to reading skill. | Utah School for the Deaf |