
January 2025The Deaf Reading Rope

Roundtable style presentation focusing on the Science of Reading a research-backed response to SoR for ASL/English Deaf Education that incorporates both SoR and ASL/English bilingual strategies.
ACE-DHH Conference
Washington, DC
2021-2024“5 Minutes with Nate”

A weekly professional development VLOG in ASL for teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing. Each VLOG is approximately 5 minutes and focuses each month on important topics related to teaching students in the field of Deaf Education. 
April 2024Pipeline or Hose? Barriers to Recruiting & Retaining Teachers & Administrators

Presentation based on two research surveys during 2023-2024 focusing on barriers to the recruitment and retention of teachers and leaders in Deaf Schools.
CEASD Conference
Spartanburg, SC
April 2023Deaf School Leader Demographics

Presentation based on research done during 2022 about the demographics of current leadership in schools and programs for the deaf/hard of hearing in the United States. To be presented at the CEASD 2023 Conference in Riverside, CA, in April 2023.
CEASD Conference
Riverside, CA
March 2022Utah’s Portrait of a Graduate: A Roadmap for D.E.A.F. Success

Presentation on the journey, purpose, and current draft of the Utah School for the Deaf’s Portrait of a Graduate and its ability to influence school programming and instruction from PIP to HS to prepare students holistically for their future.
CEASD Conference
Salt Lake City, UT
September 2020Responding to Students with C.A.R.E.

Discussed lessons learned with Deaf students during the COVID-19 pandemic to advocate for C.A.R.E. for all students while navigating the unique 2020-2021 school year: creativity, adaptability, routines, and empathy.
Back 2 School Summit
Small School District Association
February 2018Competency-Based Equity: Questions to Ask to Ensure Competency-Based Education Works for All

A panel presentation by selected member districts of the League of Innovative Schools to discuss competency-based education and its role in promoting equity for diverse students.
iNACOL Symposium
Nashville, TN
June 2018The Common Core and Deaf Students

Presentation of dissertation research and an open discussion on how to approach Deaf Education at home and in school to foster positive success with the Common Core State Standards for Deaf/Hard-of-hearing students.
ASDC Conference
Salt Lake City, UT
February 2016How common is the Common Core? The Common Core and Culturally Sustaining Deaf Pedagogy

Poster presentation of a qualitative study to see if the Common Core State Standards meet the criteria of Culturally Sustaining Deaf Pedagogy: Academic Success, Cultural Competence, and Sociopolitical Consciousness.
ACE-DHH Conference
New York City, NY
February 2014Trilingual Mathematics

Training and perspectives on how to think about mathematics, especially in light of the Common Core, and how to harness ASL, English, and Mathematics in teaching Deaf/hard-of-hearing students in Deaf Education.
USU Winter Workshops
Logan, UT