Date | Title, Authors, & Summary | Type – Peer Reviewed in Bold | Permanlink |
2023 | “Deaf Reading Rope: Visualizing the Science of Reading for ASL/English” Harrison, N. E. Model of reading using a rope metaphor to combine Science of Reading concepts with ASL/English research. The rope has strands of ASL language comprehension, English language comprehension, and Word Decoding. Model was created by a meta-analysis of themes in ASL/English research, especially those studies from an emic perspective, and combining them with the major themes of the Science of Reading. | Guide Paper | |
2023 | “Differing Opinions for One Student: Dual Modality Collaborations” Tanner, M. T. & Harrison N. E. In Cases on Teacher Preparation in Deaf Education (Neild & Graham) Chapter discussing the opportunities and challenges of dual modality (ASL & LSL) professionals working together with a group of bimodal students. The chapter focuses on the combined stories of teachers’ experiences at USDB and how professionalism and positive relationships can grow out of what have historically been viewed as antagonistic philosophies. The chapter does not discuss the value or merits of the philosophies, but rather, the professional relationships of the staff assigned to them. | Book Chapter | |
2022 | “Math, ASL, social studies—Building a Deaf school online” Tanner, Harrison, Billings In Odyssey (2021-2022 issue) Article discussing the journey, challenges, and successes of USDB in creating on online Deaf School using only existing positions and resources. Also discusses the role of the COVID-19 Pandemic in furthering the work and interest in online Deaf Education. | Article | |
2020 | “Coronavirus School Dismissal: Lessons Learned by a Deaf Day School” Harrison, Sides, Tanner, Chiodo, Huefner, Jennings, Meese, Solomon-Klebba, & Tolman In ReDeafening Academic Collaboration Review of successes, struggles, and lessons learned at a Deaf Day School (JMS) during the spring 2020 school dismissal due to coronavirus with specific discussions by grade band teachers and administration. Includes an appendix of digital learning tools and their efficacy with D/HH students. | Article | |
2018 | “Pedagogical Impacts of the Common Core State Standards on Elementary Mathematics Teachers of the Deaf and Hard-of-hearing” Harrison, N. E. A mixed methods dissertation research study into the intersection of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and Deaf Education, looking specifically at the pedagogical impacts of the Common Core on elementary mathematics teachers of the Deaf/Hard-of-hearing. | Dissertation | |